0732 | Designing A Better Future with Lisa Kay Solomon

0732 | Designing A Better Future with Lisa Kay Solomon

Lisa Kay Solomon is co-author of Design a Better Business. She is a well-known thought leader in design innovation with a focus on building the leadership skills required to ignite change and create lasting impact. Lisa is Principal Faculty and Managing Director of Transformational Practices at Singularity University, a global community of smart, passionate, action-oriented leaders who want use exponential technologies to change the world. In this interview, we discuss how leaders bear the responsibility to help design a better future…and talk tips and tactics for making that happen.

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In This episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why view points and perspectives guide intuition
  • How to know when its time to scale your business
  • Why design is a state of mind

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About the author

David Burkus is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of five books on leadership and teamwork.

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