0107 | Michael Lee Stallard

0107 | Michael Lee Stallard

Michael Lee Stallard and Jason Pankau are co-founders of E Pluribus Partners. They are also co-authors of Fired Up or Burned Out. In this podcast, they make a compelling case for why the next competitive advantage is engaged employees and explain how to build the connection culture that engages them.

  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 4:00 What is a connection culture?
  • 5:47 What are the benefits of a connection culture?
  • 9:21 What are the three bridges?
  • 14:05 Some examples of a connection culture.
  • 23:12 What are you reading now?
  • 24:13 What’s next for you?

Referenced Resources

Fired Up or Burned Out – Stallard, Dewing-Holmes & Pankau

Leader to Leader Journal

Bonhoeffer – Metaxas

Let Your Life Speak – Palmer

A Hidden Wholeness – Palmer


About the author

David Burkus is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of five books on leadership and teamwork.

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