0715 | When to Compete and When to Cooperate with Maurice Schweitzer

0715 | When to Compete and When to Cooperate with Maurice Schweitzer

Maurice Schweitzer is the Cecilia Yen Koo Professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. from the Wharton School. He is co-auhor, with Adam Galinksy, or the new book Friend & Foe. Combined, Galinsky and Schweitzer have published over 250 scientific articles and chapters in the fields of management, psychology, and economics. Their work has been cited in The Economist, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The New Yorker, National Public Radio, and more. In this interview, we discuss how to know when to compete or cooperate and how to succeed at both.

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In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why competition or cooperation isn’t an either/or dilemma
  • How to know when to compete or collaborate
  • Why too many star players might ruin a team

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About the author

David Burkus is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of five books on leadership and teamwork.

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