0101 | Bret Simmons

0101 | Bret Simmons

This inaugural episode’s guest is Bret Simmons, PhD. Dr. Simmons is a professor of organizational behavior and leadership at the University of Nevada, Reno. His interests include leadership, followership and positive organizational behavior. Additionally, Dr. Simmons runs corporate training sessions and blogs regularly at bretlsimmons.com.

0:00 Introduction

2:05 Do you notice a difference in receptiveness to theory between university students and corporate trainees?

5:15 Do you tend to favor certain theories?

6:41 How do you determine what theory to use?

10:45 Talk to us about positive organizational behavior.

13:48 What are you reading now?

18:13 What are you working on now?

Referenced Resources:

Positive Organizational Behavior

Positive Psychology

Linchpin – Seth Godin

Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths And Total Nonsense– Robert Sutton & Jeffrey Pfeffer

The Leadership Challenge – James Kouzes & Barry Posner

The Fifth Discipline – Peter Senge

Tribes – Seth Godin

The Starfish and the Spider – Ori Brafman & Rod Beckstrom

Deep Change – Robert Quinn

What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 – Tina Seelig


About the author

David Burkus is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of five books on leadership and teamwork.

3 thoughts on “0101 | Bret Simmons”

  1. Pingback: Leader Lab – My First Podcast » Bret L. Simmons – Positive Organizational Behavior

  2. Pingback: Leader Lab: My Interview With David Burkus » Bret L. Simmons – Positive Organizational Behavior

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