0713 | How Tiny Clues Yield Huge Insights with Martin Lindstrom

0713 | How Tiny Clues Yield Huge Insights with Martin Lindstrom

Martin Lindstrom is the bestselling author of Buyology and one of the world’s foremost marketing consulting. His new book, Small Data, argues that it’s the tiny clues (not the big data conclusions) that yield breakthrough insights. In this interview, we discuss small data, how a boyhood Martin once got sued by LEGO, and why he spends most nights sleeping in other people’s homes.

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In This episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why Big Data isn’t enough
  • How leaders get the best clues on customers and employees
  • Why Martin spends so much time in other people’s homes

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About the author

David Burkus is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of five books on leadership and teamwork.

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