0714 | How Superbosses Master The Flow of Talent with Sydney Finkelstein

0714 | How Superbosses Master The Flow of Talent with Sydney Finkelstein

Sydney Finkelstein is the Steven Roth Professor of Management at the Tuck School of Business at Dart­mouth College and the di­rector of Tuck’s Center for Leadership. He is consistently voted one of the top thinkers in management by Thinkers50. In this episode, we discuss what he calls “SuperBosses” (also the title of his new book), and the role that exceptional managers play in personal and organizational success.

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In This episode, You’ll Learn:

  • What makes Superbosses so different
  • How Superbosses find talent in new places
  • Why smart leaders let their most talented people go

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

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About the author

David Burkus is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of five books on leadership and teamwork.

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