
Leaders vs Managers: Is There a Real Difference?

The debate between leaders vs managers has been a long-standing conversation in professional circles. Some elevate the role of leaders, casting them as visionaries who inspire, while relegating managers to the shadows of administrative drudgery. […]

Leaders vs Managers

Employees First, Customers Second…Why It Works

What if your company announced that, moving forward, it would be place customers second on its list of priorities? Sounds crazy. The customer is always right. Surely the customer is always first as well. But […]

Employees First Customers Second

5 Things New Managers Must Do in Their First Week

Congratulations! You’ve just become a new manager. More money! More power! More responsibilities! And now, the crown jewel—you’ve got people to manage. (Cue the dramatic music.) You’ve worked hard for this, and it’s exciting, but […]

5 Things New Managers Must Do in Their First Week

Make Performance Reviews Work For Your Team

Traditional annual performance reviews are confusing, dated, messy, time-consuming, and sometimes just plain inaccurate to what’s really going on in your team.  As organizational psychologist Bob Sutton said, “If performance evaluations were a drug, they […]

How Employee Engagement Really Works

We need to talk about employee engagement surveys. It’s great news that organizations are paying attention to engagement and its impact on performance. The bad news is that senior leaders want a clear metric to […]

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