S. Chris Edmonds is the author of The Culture Engine. He is a sought-after speaker, thought leader, and executive consultant. Chris has been a senior consultant with the Ken Blanchard Companies since 1995. In this interview, we talk about how to use culture to drive results, inspire people, and transform your workplace.
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About the author
David Burkus is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of five books on leadership and teamwork.
Great podcast. I totally agree with your points. We already have a culture. The question is what is it? Culture DOES drive everything. I was going to insert the link to a book review of your book, The Culture Engine, but that might be counter productive since you want people to buy your book.
Thanks Jane. Feel free to place a link here to your book review. Happy to share it with folks.
The Culture Engine is a book for our times. We’ve always spent a lot of hours in the workplace. What if those were productive because the culture creates a productive yet comfortable environment. This book will help you create that culture. Read about the book here: http://bizcatalyst360.com/the-culture-engine/