0813 | Outsmart Your Instincts with Adam Hansen

0813 | Outsmart Your Instincts with Adam Hansen

As a new product professional, Adam has always believed in the power of possibility—accepting new approaches, questioning conventional wisdom, and being open to anything. This impulse led him to a career in developing new products for innovative companies such as M&M/Mars, Melaleuca and American Harvest, before joining Ideas To Go in 2001. His path to innovation process started with an MBA in product management from Indiana University. He also cultivated his passion for New Product Development as the VP of Association Development for PDMA, and has also enriched his own practice through training in Innovation Engineering. In this interview, we discuss how our biased hold us back…and how to hold them back in return.

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In This episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How the Behavioral Innovation Approach Drives Your Company Forward
  • What the Misconceptions Are With Our Thinking
  • Why Irrationality Emerges and How to Deal With It

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About the author

David Burkus is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of five books on leadership and teamwork.

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