
0104 | Marshall Goldsmith

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is a world authority in helping successful leaders get even better by achieving positive, lasting change in behavior for themselves, their people and their teams. Marshall is an executive coach, speaker and […]

0104 | Marshall Goldsmith

Strengths-Based Leadership Theory

Strengths-Based Leadership Theory (also known as Strengths-Based Organizational Management or SBOM) is a method of maximizing the efficiency, productivity, and success of an organization by focusing on and continuously developing the strengths of organizational resources, […]

Servant Leadership Theory [Easy & Quick Explanation]

The magnum opus of Robert Greenleaf, Servant Leadership, is a recent theory of leadership that argues that the most effective leaders are servants of their people. Servant leaders get results for their organization through whole-hearted […]

0103 | Michael Petty

Michael Petty is the managing partner of North Star Partners, a firm that assists companies in the areas of leadership development, strategic thought and application, and financial stewardship. 0:00 Introduction 1:26 What is strategic thinking? […]

0103 | Michael Petty

Transformational Leadership Theory [Easy & Quick Explanation]

Transformational leadership is a relatively new approach to leadership that focuses on how leaders can create valuable and positive change in their followers. James MacGregor Burns first introduced the concepts of transformational leadership when studying […]

Leader-Member Exchange Theory

What Is Leader-Member Exchange Theory? Originally referred to as the “vertical dyad linkage theory,” Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) has been the subject of much research (and an upgraded name). LMX focuses on the interactions between leaders […]

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