If you ask around in a room full of people how many people take notes by hand, hardly anyone would raise a hand.
With technology literally in our hands and fingertips, it’s easier to record and take notes on electronic devices, so it’s understandable why we don’t go through the hassle of writing.
These new gadgets and methods are certainly efficient and convenient. But there is a reason why you should take notes by hand, and it’s backed by science!
The Tradition
Whether you’re in a meeting, a training session, or a lecture trying to remember information, the most common method for retention is taking notes. Technology continues to present us with more and more options for note-taking, such as computers, tablets, phones, watches, and futuristic eyeglasses.
But even as technology grows more complex, none of these methods has given an advantage over good old-fashioned paper and pen (or pencil…or quill).
Memory Retention
In the last few years, several studies have been conducted on memory retention using various note-taking tools and on how the presence of devices affects interpersonal communication.
It’s become a well-replicated finding that hand-taking wins in almost all circumstances. In the workplace, there are actually a few solid reasons for taking notes by hand.
Mental Processing
The first is that when we take notes by hand, it takes longer to write than the other person can speak. That turns out to be a benefit.
Because we can’t write by hand as fast as the other person can talk, we have to synthesize and summarize the information we just heard, and research supports this.
Just before we write it down, we must process what the information means. When we’re typing on a computer (or for millennials and younger, when we’re typing on the phone), we can often go so fast that our notes end up as a near-perfect transcription of what was said.
However, no processing was involved in transcription. So, when we take notes by hand, we retain more in the short term and also understand more.
Value of Conversation
The second reason is that when you have a device—a computer, a phone, or a tablet— in front of you, that device degrades the value of the conversation. In several different studies, even just having your phone on the table distracts you and makes the other person perceive that you’re less invested in the conversation…even if the device is face down…even if it’s turned off.
One of my favorite studies suggests that having a turned-off cell phone in the room with you can significantly reduce your intelligence test scores. (I’ll stop short of suggesting that your phone is making you dumber….but we’re not that far away.)
You retain more when you take notes by hand and interact better with the people you’re in that meeting or attending a lecture alongside.
Ultimately, you have to find a note-taking system that works for you (pen or pencil, notebook or legal pad, etc.). However, the research strongly suggests that your search for the perfect tools should begin and end with handwritten notes.
Enhances Creativity
The practice of taking notes by hand also enhances your creativity. Writing by hand allows our thoughts to flow freely. It’s slow, which allows us to think through and sketch our ideas in a way that leads to unforeseeable insights and ideas.
Compared to typing, which is a bit limiting and restricts creative thinking, handwriting is more fluid. When you use the technique in meetings, you’ll also notice that your brainstorming sessions will become more innovative and that you’ll develop better ideas.
So, writing is especially beneficial in areas where you need to think out of the box and where you want to let your imagination run wild.
Another reason to take handwritten notes is that it allows greater personalization. You can use different fonts, colors, or layouts to make your notes visually appealing and easy to read.
This also gives the notes a personal feeling that you own them, which makes them meaningful. Plus, you can use different colors or symbols to highlight the key concepts. This makes your notes a sort of mental map for you to recall later on.
Builds a Better Study Habit
Lastly, it improves your study habits. The more you engage with your handwritten material, the more likely you are to review and revisit the notes later.
Also, an interesting thing is that since it involves using a notebook and pen, you often dedicate a specific pen and notebook to the purpose. This practice makes you more focused and reduces distractions.
When you develop the habit of writing by hand, you’ll create an environment around you that’ll improve your participation and rate of retention.
Wrap Up
Taking notes by hand is not a personal preference. It has several benefits and implications for how well we retain and process information.
While it makes the conversation more engaging, it also improves understanding and, later, recalling the same. In contrast to notes taken on electronic devices, where you get tons of notifications and other messages while taking those notes, your notepad has zero other distractions.
So, if you want to make the most of your learning experience, don’t doubt the power of pen and paper—reach for the notebook (instead of your cell phone!).
About the author
David Burkus is an organizational psychologist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of five books on leadership and teamwork.
This was a good read. Thanks for sharing your insights.
Thanks so much Rosline!
Great reminder! I still take notes by hand. I like to use the “Lab Notebooks” with the “college rule, (more lines per page).” I have several file boxes of notebooks from the different projects I have been on for these past 28 years.”
I also still use a paper based planner (Day-Timer). For my professional and personal scheduling. What can I say, I’m still “old school!”
Dr. Chuck
Lab Notes are solid. I like the Muji ones because they’re cheaper, but they’re almost the same.
I have found this to be true for me but don’t always adhere to that knowledge. It also worked well for Columbo (if you are old enough to know that that reference means).
“And one more question…”
Yes. I totally got the Columbo reference.
As one who loves taking notes in notebooks I always carry around, this was music to my ears.
All the best,
So glad I could help. Thanks Mike!